This cemetery is located at Mustafa Kamel district; it dates back to the end of the 3rd century B.C., the beginning of the 2nd century. It was discovered in 1933 when they were preparing to make a football field, at that time, four tombs were discovered in two types.
The 1st type consists of two tombs cut completely under the ground carrying numbers (1) and (2), and they are very well preserved. The 2nd type consists also of two tombs, number (3) and (4), they were partly built above the ground and partly under it. Unfortunately, this type is badly damaged.
Tomb no.1:
It is the most important tomb in the cemetery, because of its different features; the design of the tomb is as follow, it has an entrance followed by a staircase which leads to a court with an altar in the middle. The court is surrounded from three sides by rooms. The outer walls of this court are decorated with engaged Doric columns. There is a water system between 2 rooms; one has a water basin carved in its floor connected by water pipes to 2 small tanks in the other room. This water system was used to make the water fresh as it has been used either for drinking for the visitors of the tomb or for purification purposes for the priests.
Tomb no.2:
It starts with a corridor cut into the rock which leads to the court of the tomb which leads to other side rooms; some have loculi, there is a room that has 2 mastabas, a room has an offering table, one has a sarcophagus and another has a well.
Tomb no.3:
This tomb was found in a bad state of preservation, so the actual shape is hard to be defined. This tomb passed through many restorations.
Tomb no.4:
This tomb is in a bad state of condition, 2 sarcophagi were discovered inside this tomb.