Live the exciting adventure during exploring the great discoveries and monuments of the Valley of the Kings, which is situated in the western bank of the Nile River in Luxor, get excited with Flying Carpet Tours by visiting the magnificent Valley of the kings which is containing amazing tombs of the kings and nobles that date back to the eighteenth and twenty-first Dynasties, it also was constructed to avoid the robbing of the Pharaonic treasures and mummified bodies, as there were more than sixty chambers, some of them were including the Pharaoh’s mummified bodies such as Ramesis I, Amenhotep I and Tuthmosis.
Go on charming tour to Valley of the Kings and enjoy exploring the fancy Tomb of Tutankamun, which is located on the opposite side of the Ramessis IX Tomb, wonder at the big amount of treasure that was found in this tomb, moreover watch the beautiful decorations of the Valley’s tombs, as they are all containing fabulous decorations and drawings except one room which doesn’t have such decorations and it is located close to Tutankhamun’s Tomb, therefore The Valley of the Kings is one of the most charming archaeological landmarks in Luxor and it lies behind the cliffs, which forms a backdrop to the complex temple of Al Deir el-Bahri, as well as this Valley was including a hundred chambers, but unfortunately some of them were stolen and some were destroyed but there are still about sixty undamaged chambers, some of these tombs still have a lot of precious items and artifacts, such as the Tomb of Yuya and Thuya and the Tombs of Tutankhamun.